Asian gold theft: A dive into the stats

Jun 16, 2022

Asian gold theft continues to ‘trend’ across the country, with police regularly warning families to keep their valuables extra safe. In fact, recent figures show that over five years, more than £140 million of Asian gold jewellery was stolen across the UK. What’s more, during that period more than 28,000 incidents involving the theft of Asian gold were reported. 

With numbers so high, we dive deep into those figures and explore why Asian families are at such risk of being targeted by thieves for their gold. Plus, we explain why valuables, just like asian gold, are best kept securely protected at Stonewall Vaults – a 24 hour safety deposit box service that provides total peace of mind 365 days of the year.

What is Asian gold?

Asian gold, also known as Indian gold, is exceptionally pure – usually 24 carats – and often bought as wedding gifts, or passed down through generations of families. Because of this, is can have great cultural and sentimental value, which is why it’s so devastating to families who fall victim to gold thieves.

Which area of the country gets hit hardest?

According to numbers released by several police forces across England, the areas with the highest amount of thefts were:

  • Metropolitan Police – £21.2m (3,300 thefts)
  • Kent Police – £1.6m (89 thefts)
  • Greater Manchester Police – £1.5m (238 thefts)
  • Essex Police – £495,000 (52 thefts)
  • Thames Valley Police – £310,000 (102 thefts)

Just because your local force isn’t on that list doesn’t mean it’s not happening in your area. Take the Midlands for example, in a two week period, more than 10 homes were burgled by thieves targeting Asian families who owned gold jewellery, including those located in Nuneaton, Bedworth and Leamington.

Asian gold theft really is happening all over the country. However, thanks to its convenient central location, Stonewall Vaults can be easily accessed by all areas across the UK. So, whether you live in Rugby, London, Kent, or Manchester, keeping your Asian gold protected at Stonewall Vaults couldn’t be easier. 

Thefts don’t just happen at night

With stories telling of another Asian gold theft frequently appearing in the news, you’d be forgiven if you were feeling concerned or worried. After all, these incidents don’t just happen at night, with one news story revealing how a mother-of-two returned home from work to find her house had been ransacked, with thousands of pounds worth of Asian gold stolen. 

What’s more, police officers have explained it’s not just large amounts of jewellery that are being stolen, thieves are in fact targeting any amount. 

How can you keep your gold safe?

Don’t become the next target and instead, make sure your gold and other valuables are being kept safe. Stonewall Vaults provides round-the-clock security for your most prized possessions, like Asian gold, which means you never have to worry about it being stolen from your home. Better still, if you don’t feel totally comfortable travelling to our highly-secure, purpose-built vaults alone, our VIP concierge service means one of our trained members of staff will drive behind you, escorting you directly to Stonewall Vaults in Rugby. 

At Stonewall Vaults, we know just how priceless peace of mind is, for all the family, but especially elderly relatives who either own Asian gold, or have passed it down to younger relatives. Contact the friendly team at Stonewall Vaults today and find out how we can help you keep your Asian gold safe.

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